Construct the widget.
Construct the widget.
Add a pane to the paned window. When adding a pane to the paned window the pane gains an id that is equal to the passed widget's id and can be used later to refer to the new pane.
Get an array of all the current pane id's.
Get the position of a sash. Must be called after the UI has been drawn.
Insert a pane into the paned window at a specified zero based index or before another pane id. When adding a pane to the paned window for the first time the pane gains an id that is equal to the passed widget's id and can be used later to refer to the new pane. If the id of the widget passed is already used as a pane id then that existing one will be moved to the new position.
Remove a pane from the paned window.
Set the pane weight. Weight is an integer specifying the relative stretchability of the pane. When the paned window is resized, the extra space is added or subtracted to each pane proportionally to its weight.
Sets the position of a sash. May adjust the positions of adjacent sashes to ensure that positions are monotonically increasing. Sash positions are further constrained to be between 0 and the total size of the widget. Must be called after the UI has been drawn.
Mixin common commands.
Set the height of the widget if the geometry manager allows.
Set the width of the widget if the geometry manager allows.
Set the widget's state.
Get the widget's state.
Test if a widget is in a particular state.
Remove the widget's state.
Reset the widget's state to default.
Set the widget's style.
Get the widget's style.
Set if the widget can recieve focus during keyboard traversal.
Get if the widget can recieve focus during keyboard traversal.
Geometry method for loosely placing this widget inside its parent using a web browser model. Widgets flow around each other in the available space.
Geometry method for placing this widget inside its parent using an imaginary grid. Somewhat more direct and intuitive than pack. Choose grid for tabular layouts, and when there's no good reason to choose something else.
Geometry method for placing this widget inside its parent using absolute positioning.
Geometry method for placing this widget inside its parent using relative positioning. In this case the position and size is specified as a floating-point number between 0.0 and 1.0 relative to the height of the parent. 0.5 means the widget will be half as high as the parent and 1.0 means the widget will have the same height as the parent, and so on.
// The paned window must be created first. // See the constructor notes in the documentation. auto panedWindow = new PanedWindow(); // The pane's widgets are contained within the frames. auto left = new Frame(panedWindow); auto right = new Frame(panedWindow); panedwindow.addPane(left) .addPane(right) .pack();
These are injected common commands that can also be used with this widget.
Additional events that can also be bound to using the bind method.
<<EnteredChild>>, <<PrevWindow>>, <Alt-Key>, <B1-Motion>, <Button-1>, <ButtonRelease-1>, <Enter>, <Key-F10>, <Key-Tab>, <Leave>, <Motion>,
A paned window widget displays a number of subwindows, stacked either vertically or horizontally. The user may adjust the relative sizes of the subwindows by dragging the sash between panes.