Construct the widget.
Construct the widget.
Mixin common commands.
Specifies how text in the widget is positioned relative to the inner margins.
Set the foreground color of the widget.
Set the background color of the widget.
Set the insert cursor color of the widget.
Set the font and style for the widget.
Set the font and style for the widget via a simple string. This method is exists to set the font using the output of the font dialog.
Set the alignment of the widget text.
Set the amount of padding within the widget.
Set the relief type of the widget.
Specifies the maximum line length (in pixels). If this option is less than or equal to zero, then automatic wrapping is not performed; otherwise the text is split into lines such that no line is longer than the specified value.
Set the widget text.
Get the widget text.
Set the image for this widget.
Change the position of the image in relation to the text.
Set the text character width.
Destroy this widget.
Mixin common commands.
auto label = new Label("Text") .pack();
These are injected common commands that can also be used with this widget.
Additional events that can also be bound to using the bind method.
<<Invoke>>, <<PrevWindow>>, <Key-Tab>, <Key-F10>, <Alt-Key>,
A label widget displays a textual label and/or image.