Construct the widget.
Get the index of the selected value from the current widget's list values.
Select the value at a particular index in the value list.
Mixin common commands.
Get the bounding box of a character in the text.
Set the foreground color of the widget.
Set the background color of the widget.
Set the insert cursor color of the widget.
Set the text cursor just after the character index passed.
Get the data values of the widget.
Set data values of the widget.
Delete the text.
Disable the selection export. This is only applicable to X based operating systems.
Set the font and style for the widget.
Set the font and style for the widget via a simple string. This method is exists to set the font using the output of the font dialog.
Set the height of the widget if the geometry manager allows.
Get the length of the text.
Get the index where the insert cursor is.
Get the start and end indexes of the text selection if there is one.
Insert text at an index.
Append text to the end.
Insert text at the cursor position.
Set the alignment of the widget text.
Add a post command to a widget. This is usually to modify the widget after creation.
Remove a previously set post command.
Clear the text selection.
Check if any text selected.
Select the text.
Set the width of the widget if the geometry manager allows.
Get floating point values which represent the viewable portion of the text. Each element is a real fraction between 0 and 1; together they describe the horizontal span that is visible in the window. For example, if the first element is .2 and the second element is .6, 20% of the entry's text is off-screen to the left, the middle 40% is visible in the window, and 40% of the text is off-screen to the right.
Adjusts the view in the window so that the position appears at the left edge of the window. Position must be a fraction between 0.0 (start of the text) and 1.0 (end of the text).
Adjusts the view in the window so that the character index passed is displayed at the left edge of the window.
Scroll the text by a specified amount of characters. Positive values scroll text to the left, negative values scroll text to the right.
Scroll the text by a specified amount of pages. Positive values scroll text to the left, negative values scroll text to the right.
Set the widget's state.
Get the widget's state.
Test if a widget is in a particular state.
Remove the widget's state.
Reset the widget's state to default.
Set the widget's style.
Get the widget's style.
Set if the widget can recieve focus during keyboard traversal.
Get if the widget can recieve focus during keyboard traversal.
Geometry method for loosely placing this widget inside its parent using a web browser model. Widgets flow around each other in the available space.
Geometry method for placing this widget inside its parent using an imaginary grid. Somewhat more direct and intuitive than pack. Choose grid for tabular layouts, and when there's no good reason to choose something else.
Geometry method for placing this widget inside its parent using absolute positioning.
Geometry method for placing this widget inside its parent using relative positioning. In this case the position and size is specified as a floating-point number between 0.0 and 1.0 relative to the height of the parent. 0.5 means the widget will be half as high as the parent and 1.0 means the widget will have the same height as the parent, and so on.
auto data = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"]; auto comboBox = new ComboBox() .setData(data); .setValue(data[0]) .pack();
These are injected common commands that can also be used with this widget.
Additional events that can also be bound to using the bind method.
<<Clear>>, <<Copy>>, <<Cut>>, <<Paste>>, <<PasteSelection>>, <<PrevWindow>>, <<TraverseIn>>, <Alt-Key>, <B1-Enter>, <B1-Leave>, <B1-Motion>, <B2-Motion>, <Button-1>, <Button-2>, <Button-4>, <Button-5>, <ButtonRelease-1>, <ButtonRelease-2>, <Control-Button-1>, <Control-Key-Left>, <Control-Key-Right>, <Control-Key-a>, <Control-Key-b>, <Control-Key-backslash>, <Control-Key-d>, <Control-Key-e>, <Control-Key-f>, <Control-Key-h>, <Control-Key-k>, <Control-Key-slash>, <Control-Key>, <Control-Shift-Key-Left>, <Control-Shift-Key-Right>, <Double-Button-1>, <Key-BackSpace>, <Key-Delete>, <Key-Down>, <Key-End>, <Key-Escape>, <Key-F10>, <Key-Home>, <Key-KP_Enter>, <Key-Left>, <Key-Return>, <Key-Right>, <Key-Tab>, <Key-Up>, <Key>, <Meta-Key>, <Motion>, <Shift-Button-1>, <Shift-Key-End>, <Shift-Key-Home>, <Shift-Key-Left>, <Shift-Key-Right>, <Triple-Button-1>,
A combobox combines a text field with a pop-down list of values; the user may select the value of the text field from among the values in the list.
This widget has two types of values that can be set. First, a list of values can be set to populate the drop-down list which can then be selected via a mouse. Second, the value can be set independently and in addition to the value list. See the below widget specific and common commands for an overview of how this works.