Create a polygon from coordinates. Use colors from the preset color list or a web style hex color.
Mixin common commands.
Get the fill color.
Set the fill color. Use colors from the preset color list or a web style hex color.
Get the active fill color. An item's active state is triggered when the mouse rolls over the item.
Set the active fill color. An item's active state is triggered when the mouse rolls over the item. Use colors from the preset color list or a web style hex color.
Get the disabled fill color.
Set the disabled fill color. Use colors from the preset color list or a web style hex color.
Get the outline color.
Set the outline color. Use colors from the preset color list or a web style hex color.
Get the active outline color. An item's active state is triggered when the mouse rolls over the item.
Set the active outline color. An item's active state is triggered when the mouse rolls over the item. Use colors from the preset color list or a web style hex color.
Get the disabled outline color.
Set the disabled outline color. Use colors from the preset color list or a web style hex color.
Get the dash pattern.
Set the dash pattern of the outline. Each element represents the number of pixels of a line segment. Only the odd segments are drawn using the outline color. The other segments are drawn transparent.
Get the active dash pattern. An item's active state is triggered when the mouse rolls over the item.
Set the active dash pattern of the outline. Each element represents the number of pixels of a line segment. Only the odd segments are drawn using the outline color. The other segments are drawn transparent. An item's active state is triggered when the mouse rolls over the item.
Get the disabled dash pattern.
Set the disabled dash pattern of the outline. Each element represents the number of pixels of a line segment. Only the odd segments are drawn using the outline color. The other segments are drawn transparent.
Get the dash offset.
Set the dash offset.
Get the width of the outline.
Set the width of the outline.
Get the width of the active outline. An item's active state is triggered when the mouse rolls over the item.
Set the width of the active outline. An item's active state is triggered when the mouse rolls over the item.
Get the width of the disabled outline.
Set the width of the disabled outline.
Get the join style.
Specifies the ways in which joints are to be drawn at the vertices of the line. If this option is not specified then it defaults to round. If the line only contains two points then this option is irrelevant.
Get the smooth method.
If the smoothing method is bezier, this indicates that the line should be drawn as a curve, rendered as a set of quadratic splines: one spline is drawn for the first and second line segments, one for the second and third, and so on. Straight-line segments can be generated within a curve by duplicating the end-points of the desired line segment. If the smoothing method is raw, this indicates that the line should also be drawn as a curve but where the list of coordinates is such that the first coordinate pair (and every third coordinate pair thereafter) is a knot point on a cubic bezier curve, and the other coordinates are control points on the cubic bezier curve. Straight line segments can be generated within a curve by making control points equal to their neighbouring knot points. If the last point is a control point and not a knot point, the point is repeated (one or two times) so that it also becomes a knot point.
Get smooth method spline steps.
Specifies the degree of smoothness desired for curves: each spline will be approximated with number line segments.
Get the type of canvas item.
Get the coords of this item.
Set the coordinates used to draw this item.
Get the tags associated with this item.
Set tags associated with this item.
Add a specific tag to this item.
Delete a specific tag associated to this item.
Delete all tags associated to this item.
Destroy this item and remove it from the canvas.
Set the keyboard focus to this item in the canvas.
Lower an item in the drawing order.
Raise an item in the drawing order.
Move an item on the canvas by an amount.
Move an item on the canvas to a position.
Scale an item on the canvas. Note that some items have only a single pair of coordinates (e.g., text, images and widgets) and so scaling of them by this command can only move them around.
Mixin common commands.
These are injected common commands that can also be used with this canvas item.
A canvas polygon item.