Generates an event and arranges for it to be processed just as if it had
come from the operating system. Event provides a basic description of
the event, such as <Shift-Button-2> or <<Paste>>. The event argument may have any of the forms
allowed for the binding argument of the bind method except that it must
consist of a single event pattern only. Certain events, such as key
events, require that the window has focus to receive the event properly.
Generates an event and arranges for it to be processed just as if it had come from the operating system. Event provides a basic description of the event, such as <Shift-Button-2> or <<Paste>>. The event argument may have any of the forms allowed for the binding argument of the bind method except that it must consist of a single event pattern only. Certain events, such as key events, require that the window has focus to receive the event properly.