It's important to understand that the window will be drawn immediately
by default. This means that the window will display before any other
actions take place, including drawing or managing other widgets. This is
so other methods (such as platformId) that rely on the window being
drawn don't fail if immediately used afterwards.
This behaviour can be overridden by passing false as the waitForWindow
argument which is useful if you want the entire UI belonging to the new
window to be drawn before actaully showing it.
If no parent is specified the new window with be a child of the main
It's important to understand that the window will be drawn immediately by default. This means that the window will display before any other actions take place, including drawing or managing other widgets. This is so other methods (such as platformId) that rely on the window being drawn don't fail if immediately used afterwards.
This behaviour can be overridden by passing false as the waitForWindow argument which is useful if you want the entire UI belonging to the new window to be drawn before actaully showing it.
If no parent is specified the new window with be a child of the main window.